Logos + Branding

The Logo Design of your project, business or company is a vital piece of the corporate image. It is the hallmark by which your potential customers will identify your Brand on all occasions.

The Logo Design is a graphic representation of the Brand Identity. This representation or symbol can be composed of text, a combination of text and graphic elements or only by a graphic element. Normally a brand has more than one version of its logo (only text, only symbol or both combined). The logo of a brand serves so that we can identify it quickly, differentiate it and capture its essence at the first sight.

Many times we do not recognize the importance of the Logo Design and Branding. The design of the logo must be a thoughtful decision since it will be our definitive business face.

Important Facts

An Unique logo must be simple and have no superficial decorative elements that are not essential to convey the message as a brand.
Your Logo Design must be original, easily remembered and identifiable. The idea is to differentiate from the rest so that our brand stands out from the rest.
A Business Logo must capture the essence of the brand, so when designing, is essential to know both the brand and the target audience well.

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Trust our knowledge for the creation of your organization's logo design and branding construction.​

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Here's some of our recent Logos & Branding projects and ideas.

"Designers knows when they achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away"

[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]

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1 - Goals Creation

To design your business logo, guide this design to the right market and convey the right message, we need to understand and have a good knowledge about your business and audience.

To make this possible we have built a design brief, which has been designed to find out valuable information about your company and target audience.

Based on your answers, We will create a list of objectives that the logo design must conquer and agree with you before continuing. This list of objectives forms the design summary, which will be used as a basis for the decisions made during the design phase.

2 - Research

After the proposal accepted, we gonna start the research process.

Researching the business help us to get a sense of the environment where the logo design going to live.

This research ensures the knowledge of your business inside out, so we will be able to design a logo that represents the uniqueness of the business or product. The research phase is also an opportunity to discover potential ideas which could be used as inspiration during the ideas generation phase.

3 - Idea Creation + Design

Creating and designing the idea of the master piece is where creativity comes into play.

Starting with idea generation techniques like brainstorming and word mapping, typically a very organic process that can alternate from project to project.
Any idea that comes to mind will be sketched on paper to explore the full depth of potential ideas for the logo design.

Once the idea has been investigated, We will start to work with the designs using a software called Adobe Illustrator, which is a vector-based software program, which means the artwork produced is scalable and will never lose quality. I will continue to design and experiment with the ideas even during this state, to guarantee the idea produced is exhibited in its most ideal light.

4 - Logo Design Presentation

When the designs are prepared to show, We will make a PDF report which will show the logo plans made, with images of the designs in real life examples, along with supporting notes clarifying the choices made. We will give you our conclusion on which we agreed will be most reasonable for your business. we will leave the last decision to you, and on the off chance that you feel the design could be improved or adjusted to better meet the objectives, changes will be made where necessary.

5 - Final Delivery + Support

Once the designs are completed, and we are both happy with the final results, We will prepare your new logo files for use on web and print. and if at any point you need help with your logo files, We’ll be available to help and support you ongoing.