5 WordPress Plugin Types That Are Essential for Your Website

The plugins are modules that when installed on WordPress allow us to add certain features such as create a contact form on the website, create an online store, add a forum to the website, social network icons to share in the blog, use a cache to increase the loading speed of the website, and more.

A WordPress plugin is essentially a bit of code that “plugs in” to your self-hosted WordPress site. In human terms, that means a WordPress plugin is something that adds new functionality to your WordPress site or extends existing functionality on your site (Kinsta, 2021).

These are essential plugin types that can help you to improve your WordPress website with effective and quality features:

Force to SSL Plugins

SSL certificates help to provide safety to the visitor of websites, it is a way to tell your customers that the site is genuine, authentic, and reliable to enter personal data.

To understand the SSL Certificates technology, please read our post shared below:

The Importance of SSL Certificates in Websites

So what happens if you start your website before paying for SSL support?

Well, you will have to migrate your HTTP website to HTTPS website to provide the security.
For that, you will need a plugin to force the website to run in HTTPS with SSL Certificates technology and features.

There are different plugins to help you with this difficult task, here some honorable mentions:

Really Simple SSL:

WP Force SSL:

SSL Insecure Content Fixer:

If you are having trouble trying to make your website appears on web browsers with the padlock to secure your visitor’s information, please use:

Why No Pedlock Website

They can help you find where the problems are to get easier to resolve and complete your transition to https using SSL Certificates to guarantee the security of your visitor’s information.

Backup Plugins

Imagine that you are updating your website, something goes wrong, your page run completely damaged, and you are unable to roll back.

Security is one of the most important things on your website, you always need a backup in case of any inconvenience with your website or host.

Here is a list of the most used plugins for backups, with these you can download your WordPress website to your desktop them uploaded back quickly:

All-in-One WP Migration:

Duplicator – WordPress Migration Plugin

WP Staging – DB & File Duplicator & Migration

Caching Plugins

The browser cache is a temporary location that has web browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and allows you to load web pages faster by saving part of the information previously requested on the computer.

For example: when you enter a website, is stored in the browser cache, what you really do is connect to a server somewhere in the world that has the images, videos, and texts that make up that web page. If that page has very long videos or large images, it is likely that you will have to wait several seconds until you see it complete. The advantage is, if the same or another person later visits that same page, being stored in the cache will load much faster and the user will have to wait less time to see it.

Why is important to have a cache plugin on your website?

The importance is that if you make updates on your website, and you don’t clear the cache, your visitor doesn’t go to see the changes unless they clear their browser cache memory.

So is very important to clear cache in your website and here we got some of the most used plugins that you can use to make that job on your WordPress website:

WP Fastest Cache:

W3 Total Cache

WP Super Cache:

Hide Login Plugins

This type of plugins is very important because in this life hackers exist, so you need to protect your website the best way as possible, and one of the most common website security task is to hide the admin login page.

Thanks to God and the amazing plugin’s developers out there, we can configure the admin login site, and is important because WordPress gives us a standard admin login page that every web developer needs to know;

Here some of the most common plugins that help us to hide our admin login page:

WPS Hide Login:

Custom Login Page Customizer | LoginPress:

SEO Plugins

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the basic results of the different search engines like Google, Bing, etc. It is also common to name it SEO.

This type of plugins is very important if we talk about appearance in the top on the most common search engines.

Try typing CidCity Arts in Google:

You see that the website appears on the top. That’s because we configured a SEO plugin that helps us to tell search engines how exactly we want that the website appears.
Also, there are plugins that help with keyword optimization, readability check, Internal linking suggestions and more:

Yoast SEO:

All in One SEO Pack:

WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math:

WordPress has become one of the most popular CMS (Content Management System) to manage websites, thanks to its great capacity for customization through the plugins that provide the platform with alternative tools.

WordPress is continuously evolving to address the needs of the millions of web publishers around the world. The direction of WordPress directly depends on the needs of users. We can safely assume that it will continue to empower people around the world to create wonderful websites (McCullough & Editorial Staff, 2021).

Plugins are a fundamental and essential part of our website and therefore learning which are necessary, install them and of course, configure them, is one of the most important tasks of the website administrators.



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